Signé Chanel, which is a documentary directed by Loïc Prigent, follows the creative process of the weeks before the Chanel haute-couture Fall/Winter 2004-2005 collection show. You can see the whole process from initial sketches done by Karl, to the show, the clients buying in the showroom, the making shoes, textiles and fabrics, the hectic and the incredible disciplined environment of the dressmaking studio (and specially this, since the film is actually centered in the people who actually make the clothes), etc...
The hero and the person who controls how is going everything is Karl Lagerfeld. He wants to see and approve everything of the collection. From the first minute he enters to the Chanel mansion everyone has to be aware that Mr. Lagerfeld is in Paris and will start the job. Here is shown the power of him and how important is it for the collection. In this film we see how everything is more serious. Workers are treated seriously and demand. Everything that he orders and all the changes Karl wants must be done even if you take two weeks working with that dress. He doesn't feels sorry for the time you've spent working on that piece of cloth.
Definitely, the personality of Karl reflects perfectly the image the brand wants to project of Chanel, a brand that represents reliability, dependability, luxury, poise and style.
Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton is a documentary directed by Loïc Prigent and it's focused on Marc Jacobs, called the most influential designer of his generation. And we can see how Jacobs balances roles as artistic director of the French house Louis Vuitton and his own line, in meetings, preparing collections and at high-profile shows. With Naomi Campbell, Sophia Coppola and Uma Thurman. The documentary is right before the Louis Vuitton Spring Fashion Show in 2007.
Obviously, the star is Marc Jacobs, and he is the man who takes care of the two collections (the Louis Vuitton one and his own line). But there is a big difference with Karl Lagerfeld, because Marc Jacobs projects a more natural, real and friendly image. In the film he shows us as he is and his relationship with workers and his superior (Bernard Arnault, founder of the empire LVMH, a business group with firms as: Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Loewe, Givenchy and Moet & Chandon).
Jacobs works with music, dance, eat and act as if he was at home. Making this a more pleasant job for employees and works and relates with them. In short, he shows a less serious and demanding facet. He knows that he is going to get everything and everything will be alright without pressure and without being pressed.
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